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Natalie Ford

Natalie is an author, a teacher, and a speaker who helps others to find hope in God’s sovereignty and in God’s Word. Having lost her first husband to suicide, Natalie decided to continue her education and earned a PhD in Professional Counseling in 2016 so that she could undergird her personal experience with the necessary tools to help others faced with difficult circumstances.  


Throughout the years, Natalie’s message has inspired many to

·      Dig into God’s Word for messages of hope during times of suffering

·      Rest in the sovereignty of God (God sees and hears you, and He has a plan)

·       Trust God even when life doesn’t make sense

·       Take off the mask and risk vulnerability with someone trustworthy

Natalie has travelled all over the world telling people about Jesus, and sharing how God has turned her weeping to laughing and her mourning to dancing. Natalie has led a SOS (Survivor of Suicide) Support Group, where she used her past hurts to help others who have lost someone to suicide.

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